Wednesday, February 15, 2012

EMR Driving Sales of Handhelds

The best way to have a busy and fairly mobile healthcare provider comply with EMR meaningful use requirements is to get her a handheld device for data entry. It's not occurring in every hospital, but it is notable trend in the most wired hospitals. As reported in CMIO (citing Kalorama Information's conclusions), the fastest growth in handhelds in healthcare has been in the administrative side, the type of handhelds used to perform data entry and look at patient records during visits. Though there are a number of factors, we think data entry for EMR is a significant one.

The handheld device market’s more than 10 percent growth since 2007 to $11 billion in 2011.

Kalorama Information's report on this topic can be obtained at our website. t The report includes revenue breakouts by type of device and applications.